There Has been a Lot of Confusion over what will be allowed over the Relaxation period and what will work so here's a detailed illustration about the Relaxation terms over what's gonna work and what will not so Read On:
Movement of Persons Allowed after April 20:

Health Services Allowed after April 20th:

Guidelines for Public Spaces:

Guidelines for Hotspots:

Agriculture Services allowed after April 20th:

Commercial Services allowed after April 20th:

Know What Will Remain Closed:

Financial & Social Services allowed after April 20th:

Guidelines for Workspaces:

Public Utilities allowed after April 20th:

Cargo & Essential Services allowed after April 20th:

Industrial Establishments allowed after April 20th:

Note: These Relaxations are not allowed in Red Zones and Hotspot Areas, to see the list of Hotspots refer to the previous posts.
Find More About the Lockdown Hotspots & other info from Below Link:
As Always Stay Safe!