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Recession following Pandemic

Writer's picture: Shivani MishraShivani Mishra

2020 so far has shown us the horrors of the new decade. The warnings of Protests that took a toll around various parts of our country regarding NRC and CAA and then before we could recover, BAMMM! COVID-19 drops the bomb around the world. Amid these issues some of the countries fought back and straight improved their facilities, like how China overcame this pandemic which was their creation in no time causing minimum causalities countries like Italy, the Czech Republic is struggling and facing lot more.

Welcome back, today let us discuss why the United Nations think that India will come out of this quarantine just fine. At least it expects us to.


While the world economy is predicted to under recession with a predicted loss of trillions of dollars in global income due to Pandemic Corona Virus, where developing countries will be the ones with greatest hits with the likely exceptions of India and China.

Two-thirds of the world countries are going under an unprecedented loss of resources and funds, the UN calls for a relief fund of USD 2.5 trillion dollars.

The UNCTAD said that in recent days, advanced economies and China have put together massive government packages which, according to the Group of 20 leading economies (G20), will extend a USD 5 trillion lifeline to their economies.

According to the new analysis from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the UN trade and development body titled 'The COVID-19 Shock to Developing Countries: Towards a 'whatever it takes' programme for the two-thirds of the world's population is left behind', commodity-rich exporting countries will face a USD 2 trillion to USD 3 trillion drops in investments from overseas in the next two years.

Even with the given reports of "whatever it takes program" launched by the UN to help the world recover from the economic shock, the report hasn't made it clear to why India stands as an exception to the recession-theory.

Countries all over have been fighting the deteriorating global conditions, fiscal and foreign exchanges, where things will get worse before they get any better.

As India, gathers up its funds from fundraising programmes, there is also a quick set-up for more healthcare facilities just to be prepared for what may come in future. Railways have been turning train coaches into check-up and quarantine centres, while Elites of India have given their empty offices and buildings to the govt, so we don’t run out of Healthcare centres.

In another interview, WHO claimed that India has tremendous capacity in eradicating coronavirus pandemic like India battled Polio and eradicated it from the map of the world like it never existed. A country of millions has power when it comes together and this is our chance to prove that yet again.


Let us all pray that there are peace and safety to all worldwide, and Stay Put in our homes to help, in whatever way we can.

Until next time folks!

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As Always Stay Safe!

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